Thursday, December 28, 2006

Wednesday - Visiting the forefathers

Adina & I met up in Yerushalayim and took a bus to Chevron (Hebron) and Ma'arat Hamachpela (Cave of the Patriarchs). I really wanted to go to Chevron so I was very happy that it worked out. Bumped into Donna & Sam W and boys on a tour. Was so nice to see them. Other passengers on our bus were Chana Ita K and her husband and baby, visiting for the week, as well. We got back to Yerushalayim a little before sunset so we ran up to Uri's Pizza for caramel sufganiyot. Now my trip was complete! :) After menorah lighting at Chanie's I went to Avi & Miriam H where the rest of the H family were gathered for a Chanukah party (with more sufganiyot!). Was wonderful to see all of them. Then Chanie & I went over to newlywed Nechamah R. She looks terrific and her apartment is adorable. Had a really nice visit there.
One observation I had on the looong bus ride to & from Chevron: All the Jewish cities in Israel are maintained so beautifully, there are flowers on the medians on the roads and things like that. When we passed the Arab towns, there was nothing like that. The neighborhoods look so bare and ugly. Hmmm...

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