Friday, December 29, 2006

Sunday - my last day

Sunday morning - woke up early as this was my last day of my trip. Kotel was much less crowded than it had been all during Chanukah. Everyone was back at work. There were large groups of chayalim (Israeli soldiers) at the Kotel, though. I think there were induction ceremonies, maybe?

After davening I went to Ben Yehuda for some shopping. Found this great store that had beautiful Michal Negrin knock offs for much less $! Back to Chanie's for lunch, then back to the Kotel for mincha. Finally bumped into Larry & Sandy K as they were about to leave, as well as Mrs. B-N. Chanie & I went out for dinner to Village Green (highly recommended!) where we saw Dina B (Baltimoreans manage to find each other wherever we go :)) We then had great fun dressing up the baby in the dress I bought her.

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