Sunday, August 21, 2011


I said this blog wasn't really going to be in order...

If anyone is interested, here are pics of departure and arrival.

1-6 - packing and shipment (I can't wait to be reunited with my stuff!  My container arrived and is all cleared through customs but I don't get delivery until I move into my apt on Sept 1)
7-20 - Last night in NYC, dinner at Sushi Metsuyan
21-61 departure at JFK
62-68 - the flight (someone's random baby that we babysat for a bit)
69 - passport control guy - we were just jumping in our seats at that point to get off
70-71 - getting off the plane!
72-75 - bus from tarmac to arrivals
76 - 103 - my amazing family and friends who came to greet me!  And the arrival ceremony.  Laya and me with our Teudat Oleh
104-112 - first dinner out with Gila at Kadosh and then first night at the Kotel!

More to come...

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